
The light kitchen, LA CUISINE LÉGÈRE

So after being kind of yellowish-green for seven years, here is the kitchen with its new light grey wall color.  Nothing extraordinary, original or unique.  Just a fresher color that is a nice background to all the other colors I like to have around me.  It was a lot of work, but it was worth it.  

Après avoir été jaune-verte pendant sept ans, voici la cuisine peinte gris pâle. Rien d'extraordinaire, original ou unique. Simplement une couleur plus fraîche qui met joliment en valeur les autres couleurs dont j'aime m'entourer. Ce fut pas mal de travail, mais ça valut la peine.

We finally added this little wood edge to the counters.  It was on my todo list for so long.

Nous avons finalement installé cette petite bordure au comptoir.  Ce projet était sur ma liste de choses à faire depuis si longtemps.


This frame is very special to me.  Its the cover of my mom's old cookbook that she had when I was little. I found it after she died last year. This A. Bélanger oven's cookbook is so worn and stained, it must have been one of her favorites (I plan to try a few recipes). 

Cette image m'est très précieuse.  C'est la couverture d'un livre de recettes qui appartenait à ma mère quand j'étais petite.  Je l'ai retrouvé après le décès de ma mère l'an dernier. Ce livre de recettes des fours A. Bélanger est tellement usé et tâché, c'était surement un de ses préférés (je me promets d'essayer quelques recettes).

2 commentaires:

  1. Oh My! What some paint can do! It looks great Louise. Wonderful job and perfect choice of colour. Besides grey being my favourite colour, this shade has really brightened up the room while giving it a calmer vibe. The surrounding colours really pop against the coolness of the walls. I love it!

    That Canadian Recipies cookbook cover is quite special ;)


  2. Thanks Holly! I'm flattered to have the approval of a designer!

    When we were painting I had my doubts. To dark, to light... It's only when everything came back in the room that I was happy with my choice. Funny how this light grey is more bright than the old yellow...


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