
It's enough! Ça suffit!

Let's be honest. Now that school has started, it is very evident that our morning and evening routine is not running smoothly. We really need to have a family talk to figure out how to make it, if not fun, at least run. Also, I have a few problem spots in my house that hopelessly need some purging and organizing. See my sewing room, it's also my boyfriend's office!!!. It's been this way since we cleaned the attic...I would just love to go around the house with two big garbage bags and stuff them with all that needs to be thrown away or given away, without giving it a second thought... Do you have crises like that?

Soyons honnête. Depuis que l'école a recommencé, il est très évident que notre routine du matin et celle de fin de soirée sont loin d'être au point. Tout la famille doit absolument s'asseoir ensemble et trouver des solutions pour que ce soit plus agréable. En plus, quelques endroits problématiques dans la maison ont désespérément besoin d'une purge et d'organisation. Voyez ma salle de couture qui sert également de bureau à mon chum!!!. Elle est ainsi depuis que nous avons fait du ménage dans le grenier... J'aimerais me promener avec deux gros sac à ordure et y mettre tout ce qui doit être jeter ou donner, sans y réfléchir une seconde... Est-ce que vous avez des crises comme ça?

2 commentaires:

  1. I feel that way all the time! And with the impending move, we've thrown out tons of stuff--and not regretted it one single bit. I wish we had done it sooner. Believe me--you'll feel 20 pounds lighter if you do (I reccommend doing it when the kids are in school!)...xoxox :o)

  2. When I was in college my appartement was burned down. I remember, as I was looking at the fire reaching the roof, thinking "I don't have anything anymore. This is me. My clothes and my debit card in my pocket. No more stuff to take care off, to clean, to put away, to fix. I could go anywhere in a seconde." I felt strangely very light and free... I was only sad for my photo albums.


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